Engaging Women in Active Living: Workshop Series
Learn how to apply strategies to increase the participation of adult women in active living programs.
This interactive 6-part series, in partnership with the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, will provide recreation and sport leaders with practical information on how to get and keep adult women active. The presenters will highlight the diversity of adult women and their many intersecting identities with specific considerations provided to engage women 55+, new mothers, Indigenous women and newcomer women.
In each 90-minute session, participants will learn about what motivates women to participate, and how to apply strategies to increase the participation of adult women in active living programs. Each presentation will highlight unique programs as case studies and feature regional guest speakers with expertise in leading successful recreation and sport programs for women. This workshop series has been made possible by the Government of Canada.
See details and registration below.
Session 1: New Ideas to Get Moving
Tue, November 16, 2021 | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EST | Presented in English
Guest speakers for this session
Shelley Callaghan will provide information on adult women in Canada and highlight what we have found works well to engage women in active living.
Bree Thorlakson, Pemberton Off-Road Cycling Association and Sandy Ward, Indigenous Women Outdoors will present on how effective partnerships can encourage more women to get involved in Mountain biking.
With a growing interest in pickleball among women, Karen Rust (President) Pickleball Canada, Bryna Kopelow (Board Member) Pickleball Canada and Beverly DeHaitre, Victoria Regional Pickleball Association will providing information and examples of how programs can be developed to be more inclusive and welcoming.
This session is presented by the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, in partnership with Canadian Women & Sport and BC Recreation and Parks Association.
Session 2: Établir des liens sociaux
jeu., 18 novembre 2021 | 12:00 – 13:30 EST | Presented in French
Françoise Uwamariya fournira des informations sur les femmes adultes au Canada et soulignera ce que nous avons trouvé qui fonctionne bien pour engager les femmes dans la vie active.
Pauline Kamugisha de la Fédération du sport francophone de l’Alberta présentera ElleBouge 55+, une campagne qui vise à encourager les femmes à devenir plus actives physiquement. La présentation mettra en vedette des femmes francophones de 55+ qui ont surmonté leur peur d’être jugées et ont trouvé leur propre façon de faire de l’activité physique.
Dominique Perrault de Femmes-Relais Saint-Michel présentera un programme d’activité physique pour les femmes nouvellement arrivées et partagera comment le programme les a aidées à rencontrer des amis et à créer des réseaux pour maintenir un mode de vie actif.
Cette séance est présentée par l’Association canadienne des parcs et loisirs, en partenariat avec Femmes et sport au Canada et l’Association québécoise du loisir municipal.
Session 3: Ideas to Engage Your Community
Wed, December 8, 2021 | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST | Presented in English
Guest Presenters
Shelley Callaghan will provide information on adult women in Canada and highlight what we have found works well to engage women in active living.
Valerie Fitzpatrick from Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI (IRSA) will explore the benefits of their women’s dance and fitness program as well as their experience coordinating with local partners to get the entire community active together through Fresh Air Fun Events.
Sally O’Neill and Lilly Selvaraj will dive into their Ladies Only Trail Building Weekend and Active Pictou County’s Welcome Winter Project highlighting the importance of partnerships and personal connections in getting and keeping women active.
This session is presented by the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, in partnership with Canadian Women & Sport, Recreation NB, Recreation Nova Scotia, Recreation NL, and Recreation PEI.
Session 4: Creating Opportunities for Wellness
Tue, January 18, 2022 | 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST | Presented in English
Details coming soon!
Session 5: Inclusive & Welcoming Programs
Thu, February 3, 2022 | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST | Presented in English
Details coming soon!
Session 6: Flexible Programs for Max. Participation
Tue, February 8, 2022 | 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST | Presented in English
Details coming soon!