December Newsletter: Recapping the 2021 Chapter: Learnings to take into the New Year

Just like that, 2021 is almost at an end. 

What a year it has been! Between the 2021 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, the success of Canadian women across multiple sports, and the momentum we continue to see to from sport organizations looking build more inclusive sport in Canada has made this year a busy one! Check out some of the learnings we’ve produced this year. 

Have a gender equity initiative or event that you would like to share? Fill out the following form and it could be featured in our upcoming newsletter(s).  

COVID Alert: Pandemic Impact on Girls in Sport 

The key finding from the study shows that 1 in 4 Canadian girls (aged 6-18) who participated in sport at least weekly prior to COVID-19 are not committed to returning to sport once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Read the report to learn how you can help change these statistics. 

Gender Equity in Coaching  

Current coaching data indicates that women are under-represented as coaches both nationally and internationally. That’s why we’ve partnered with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) to establish the Gender Equity in Coaching Framework and Self-Assessment tool to identify the key areas for organizational change to improve the conditions for women in coaching.  

Using Gender Equity as a Tool to Combat Gender-Based Violence in Sport 

Although research has not investigated the explicit relationship between gender equity and GBV in sport, research outside of sport reveals two perspectives – women as change agents and the power paradox. Learn ways to reduce gender-based violence through gender equity in our new tool

Winning Plays: The Gender Equity Playbook Report

This report highlights key learnings, triumphs, challenges and visions for growth that can be used to inform policies, investments, and actions broadly in the sport system. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the commitment to real and impactful change by the Playbook organizations.

The Sporting Experiences of BIPOC Women & Girls in Canada 

This resource is useful to sport leaders and organizations to understand the lived experiences of Canadian women and girls that are from BIPOC communities and to identify the best practices for addressing the barriers they face to sport participation. Check out the webinar recording. 

Maximizing the Impact of Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Training 

Trainings are a vital first step to affecting change. But like many of us, your learning may come to an end when the training ends. Understand how to EAT your learning to make the most of your online learning and engage in meaningful and lasting learning opportunities with this resource

We want to wish all our supporters, partners, and your families meaningful moments of rest and joy as we enter a new chapter. Thank you for supporting us and for being agents of change. We’ll see you in 2022 to continue the fight for gender equity.

Upcoming Learning Opportunities:

  • We’ve partnered with the Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC) to deliver the Engaging Girls and Women in Sport Mini Series. In this webinar you’ll hear from academic experts and sport practitioners on the importance of data collection and evaluation; where to look for and find data, tips for mining data for insights and how to leverage data to improve your programs. Register now for the event on Wednesday, December 15 at 1:00pm ET.
  • Our Gender Equity LENS e-learning module is always available to help you and your organization access the information and tools you need to act on your commitment to inclusion and make policy and program decisions that better serve women and girls in sport. Access the module now.  

Organizational Updates:

  • We are looking for a Regional Consultant based in Nova Scotia to exclusively serve Nova Scotia sport, physical activity and recreation (SPAR) providers and assist them in the implementation of the recommendations outlined in the FPTSC Working Group on Women and Girls in Sport report and Nova Scotia’s priorities and strategies related to Gender Equity. Deadline to apply is Friday, January 7, 2022. Click here for more details and to apply now.
  • The Canadian Women & Sport office is closed for the holiday season starting December 24th until January 3rd, 2022. Correspondence will resume on January 4th when the office reopens. 
  • Looking for ways to support Canadian Women & Sport? Visit our new Support Us page on our website to help continue the fight for gender equity.  

Gender Equity Initiatives From Our Friends:

  • Commonwealth Sport Canada – Sport with Social Purpose, has designed an internship program for up & coming women high performance coaches. Supplying them the opportunity to access leadership development featuring women trailblazers in Canadian sport, valuable national and international coaching experience and developing a strong and sustainable network of support. To learn more about the Commonwealth Women Coach Internship Program (WCIP), visit their webpage. 
  • Commonwealth Sport Canada is providing enhancements to their Sportworks Program: Sport for Newcomers Initiative Pilot 2. Enhancement Activities during the pilot will include involving newcomer girls in the design, delivery and evaluation of sport programs. This will be offered by engaging newcomer girls (who have taken part in sport and who have yet to take part in sport) and finding enhancements to sport programming offered to align with the needs and interests of newcomer girls more specifically. This will be completed in partnership with local partners through in-depth consultations at the onset of the pilot to learn more about newcomer girl experiences, barriers and suggestions for sport programming which is of interest and meets the unique needs of participants. For more information on the project, please visit their website. 

Have a gender Equity initiative you want to share? Click here.

Thanks for reading!