Women on Boards Presentation
The Need:
Research suggests that diverse, inclusive and equity-focused boards are stronger, including having higher creativity, improved collaboration and a better understanding of a diverse end user. Despite this, women remain underrepresented in leadership positions within the sport system. Data collected in a recent survey of all nationally funded sport organizations illustrates that only 40% of board members and 28% of board chairs are women.
The Solution:
Canadian Women & Sport has developed two workshops aimed at increasing the presence of women on boards. The first is designed specifically for individual women looking to take on leadership positions. The second is designed for organizations committed to working towards gender equity.
Women on Boards Presentation – For Individuals
This presentation is designed to help women take up more space on boards by exploring:
- the value and importance of women on boards;
- strategies to navigate the challenges involved in accessing a board position and succeeding in the role; and,
- ways women can develop personal leadership plans to take on a board role.
Women on Boards Presentation – For Organizations
This organization-focused presentation will leave participants with:
- an understanding of how to create an inclusive board culture;
- the value of having women on boards; and,
- strategies to assist in overcoming challenges and recruiting more women.
The Impact:
“I think it’s very exciting that Canadian Women & Sport has created these workshops. This is not something that existed when I first began to serve on Boards, and I believe it would have been very helpful on my journey. Having a resource such as this provides a roadmap for all of us to improve how we recruit, support and retain female leaders from diverse backgrounds.”
Gail Hamamoto, Executive Director of BC Wheelchair Sports Association (BCWSA) and Vice President of the Canadian Paralympic Committee
“I believe that sport will benefit from having more women participate as Directors and leaders. Supporting sport organizations in leading more effectively is an area of passion for me. When people of diverse perspective can find common ground through shared values, the organizations they serve are given the opportunity to thrive.”
Dina Bell-Laroche, Partner, Sport Law & Strategy Group, and author of the Canadian Women & Sport Good Practices Guide to Creating Gender Equitable Boards