Benefits of Gender Equity

Gender Equity in Sport

Organizations have much to gain by committing themselves to achieving gender equity.

At the board and leadership level…

  • Gender-diverse organizations report improved financial performance on key indicators such as cash flow in investment, earnings and profitability, market performance, market value, revenue and return on assets, equity and sales; 
  • Organizations with two or more women on boards had stronger performances in evaluation against strategy, reputation, and culture than those with all-male boards;
  • A balanced number of women and men on boards expands innovation by ensuring that multiple perspectives are considered, particularly when faced with complex decisions;
  • Bringing a greater diversity of perspectives, knowledge, experience, skills and backgrounds thereby adding richness to boardroom discussions and increasing creativity and innovation in problem solving;

In coaching and officiating…

  • Improved recruitment and retention of sport participants, coaches, and volunteers and leading to a higher level of satisfaction;
  • increased willingness to recruit more women and a broader base of participants from which to draw candidates to fulfil organizational activities or functions; 
  • new and innovative approaches to coaching, training, management and refereeing; 

In the workplace…

  • Increased odds of adopting LGBT-friendly policies and creating a more supportive and inclusive workplace environment where homophobic comments and humor are discouraged and discrimination against LGBT individuals is reduced; 
  • Decreased turnover;
  • Increased respect for differences; 
  • Promotion of nonfinancial performance measures such as customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and commitment, and reductions in workplace stress
  • Improved organizational effectiveness and overall performance. 

In sport participation…

  • Generating a positive environment for the participation of women and girls;
  • Decreased drop-out rate of girls and women, via gender-friendly guidance and coaching, avoiding sexist gender stereotypes and creating a positive and social atmosphere; 
  • Increased sensitivity to a wider range of potential participants, some of whom may have been excluded in the past.

To learn more about how Canadian sport and physical activity organizations are benefiting from gender equity, visit our Case Studies page!